Work Experience

Work Experience 

Mindmap which area is hometown to me:

I have created a mindmap about my hometown "Barnet" where i learned to use new colour scheme and talked about the old colour scheme recently in my area. 

Hometown Logos for Planning 

I have chosen these three logos for Barnet because I think there were the best three that have bright colours. However, I could change the colour design to my own to make it look creative from scratch. These are the logos that entertained me to redesign my own version. I have decided to create my own logo by using these three ideas and I will use more bright and interesting colours for my logo.

Mindmap of Barnet's current colour scheme

This is the plan that I have created as a theme for the hometown's current colour scheme for "Barnet". There are quite a few colours like green, red, orange, blue and much more. This is Barnet High Street's current colour scheme with quite a few bright colours. But I will able to change some of the theme colours. 

Barnet Transports

All the changes for TFL's 384

Saturday 29th August 2020 

But up to Barnet, it's all changes for the route of 384. From Today it's had the hair straighteners and extension treatment and almost all its curly bits have been removed. It now runs pretty much directly between Cockfosters and Barnet as well as gaining a significant route to Edgware.

Introduction to 1990, the 384 brought a bus route to many previously unserved residential roads between Cockfoster and Barnet.  

Here is the map of where the 384 goes to: 

Map of Barnet 

This is the map of Barnet where there are places like New Barnet, High Street, Borehamwood and much more. The original colour scheme is mainly green and white where the names are pink, blue, orange, and grey for each name on the map.

Moodboard of Barnet New Colour Scheme

I created the mood board or spider diagram of the new colour scheme for my hometown. this is when I will take or gather my own images by going around my area to collect and upload the images on the blogger. 

Primary research as part of my Hometown 

Edgware Area

And these two photos are near Edgware.

My Street Whitings Road

I have collected my own images in my hometown where I took a photo of different colour schemes one in the road opposite my house. 

Primary Research of Barnet High Street 

15th October 2023 

I collected more photos in my area today which is the high street. I can see that there are so many colours around the street. And I would like to change the colour scheme. 

Primary Research of my house and road 

My house colour is brown and there are only two colours which is very boring.  

Primary Research- Survey

Primary Research- Survey Response

Here is my survey that I asked my friends to answer and give their responses where they give opinions on how to improve "Barnet" and make the area affordable for people in Barnet or part of Barnet. overall, I created a survey using Microsoft Forms to gather information and send the link to people in college and outside. However, I think I made the effort and improvements from my last survey on the chosen event that it was very simple and manageable the chart shows that my friends seem to like the logo choice because I have redesigned the original version of the logo and simply changed it a little.  

Analyse other places' colour schemes/logos/slogans/transports 


I have chosen Manchester because the place is very popular with better houses, shops and the world's biggest libraries. Clearly, manchester is very popular with expensive things to do in your space-time because there is a location in the area called Salford, manchester which is based on the soap opera "Coronation Street". This city will make England greater again if London and Manchester come together to help each other out. 

I have used pastel for the Manchester because the colours are much brighter and unique which will be similar to barnet and able to get Barnet more challenging and confront than ever before. There is a mixture of different bright colours that could make some changes within the houses and transports in the area. I think the train station is even better than the London Underground because the sizes of the trains are bigger and enormous.  

I have picked this banner to represent Manchester United and the area of Manchester to help keep the community going. I like the hashtag GGMU because the tag really makes the community rise to the next level by able to let the teams win every game. 

Sketches of new logos 

I have chosen to sketch two logos of Barnet and I like them both because they inspire me and the second logo really draws my attention. Doing a  lot of research made me think of my final decision with my logo. I decided to choose both of the logos but connect them together instead which was a very difficult decision but able to start the final logo in Photoshop.  

Logo Experimentation 

For the experimentation, I managed to design my final logo for my hometown which I am proud of designing and creating as my own. For the most part, redesigning the logo was able to gather both of my sketch ideas together to manufacture the old version to originate the new version from scratch. The difficult part of the experience was able to create and draw out the bird by using eyedropper tools and the right layer to find the shape so that I could continue with the process. Overall, it was a successful logo that I developed because it was based on the new colour scheme that was the final part.  Toward the final part, I wasn't able to add the sun from the sketches that I drew because for me it will be messy and crowded which won't be interesting for others. 

Sketches of New Transport 

I sketched two transports which are trains and a bus that will help me in my final project. I liked the bus sketch ideas because it was simple to draw by tracing the outline of the bus using a pencil but managed to complete the rest on my own. 

The most important part is that the drawing is not as good as a Professional artist but I was able to take forward the situation within myself.

Moodboard of New Slogan

I created a mood board or mindmap on the new slogan for Barnet. I think I like the slogan called "The Spirit of Barnet or Barnet the best service around" which both inspired me as it's very different and this will change the future of the hometown. I would go for the slogan called "The Spirit of Barnet because it really suits the area and I would want the area to be better in the future. 

Final Slogan 

I have created a slogan with the name of the area and the chosen slogan name that gives it a catchy. Overall, I have decided to use this slogan because it really goes well with the logo and it will bring people together and able to make the environment safer for everyone.  

Final Logo 

This is my final logo for Barnet which is based on my new colour scheme. I created this logo as my final process because I have gathered ideas to present a new logo.

Transport Experimentation 

I have experimented with my transport within my colour scheme. Almost, I have done a lot so far by improving it using a pen tool and eyedropper. For the improvement of the transport, I will add the name and number of the buses for next time. I have created a sketch and thought of the colour scheme later. 

Final Transport 

I was able to complete the final transport on Illustrator and it was successful. the tools I used were shape, line and text to manage the pieces of the buses together. I also changed the shape of the experiment to the circle as the wheel and added the square as the front screen on the bus. I used green as the colour of the text on the front bus to give the name more brighter order to use it clearly. The transport was consistent and compatible because I was able to remove the main image from the back. So that I only used the original imagery that I was able to sketch by tracing the outline of the buses using a pen tool. It was the more appealing vision of the red buses on how I really wanted the colour to be and the part on the blue floor is the main road of the street.    

Colour Scheme Experimentation

I have planned to use some of these colours for my final project for all transports, houses and shops. I have decided to use Kingfisher Dolsy (Purple) and light orange from the list as my final colour scheme.  

Final Colour Scheme 

As my final colour scheme, I decided to choose purple, light orange and pink from the pastel as the chosen colours for the houses because this really inspired me a change and helped Barnet grow better in a unique way. Normally, I don't see many purple buses so this really wants to be a great change for the environment. many people would love to see many purple buses that make them happy and the whole community in Barnet.

Final Colour Scheme Of My Houses 

I have chosen three colours from the pastel above to change the colours of the houses in Illustrator. I have used tools; pen tool, layers and transparency to overlay the houses to make it look like I have created it from scratch. I think I was trying my best to make the effort work by separating the layers for the process to work. I moved the shape around to fit perfectly within the houses to make a difference of the houses. 


Evaluate some design 

For my final slogan, I have chosen to redesign my slogan of Barnet which I was able to do in a limited time. I matched my slogan and logo together by using artboards in Illustrator. It really goes with the chosen colour scheme which will make the area popular again and many people from other places can notice the difference with the area. My new slogan is on an artboard (banner) that gives it a simple audience which is very memorable and outstanding within my final logo.     

For my final transport, I have chosen to use decker buses because I think Barnet needs more of those transport nowadays for the better future ahead in Barnet. for the most part, I have redesigned the original red buses to purple as it will make a difference to the Community and be more reliable to the Community. For the Colour Scheme, I stuck with purple which will be sustainable and sensible because the design is energetic to the audience that could able to use the buses and see the new design of the chairs from the bottom to the top deck. They can able use travel on the buses more often and make their own opinions of the new colour scheme.

For my final colour scheme, I have decided to see pastel to make the choice of the colours. although, I never knew I would stick with purple throughout my design but maybe for the design I could add a bit of little colours and more purple. To make the standard more accurate for people to notice the new colours as they walked into the new colour design. The colour purple, light orange and pink really makes me happy and feel joy, excited, and animated because it would make a difference for Barnet and many people would love to explore the new colour purple and a bit of dark yellow in the area.

For my final logo, I made a logo using Illustrator by using the same colour scheme and some blue colour for the birds which really matches the tone together. the reason why I like the logo was developed with the new colours I have chosen is so that Barnet can have a unique and special logo that can relate to people who want to make a change in the area. It may help new people come along to the better barnet so that the area can be more popular to all.  I created the bird as the symbol of the creation that would wake up others around and noticed that Barnet is historical.  

Opinions on new designs:

My opinion on the new designs that I have created was the colour scheme "purple" and that the colours really would bring people together. I decided to make a change of barnet by changing the colours of the houses to brown and white. I created quite a few creative decisions by changing and developing some ideas to make Barnet better and more lively for people in the community. I think my opinion on the new design was very simple but I could have added more colours for the house or transport. I really liked it when I was able to make a mindmap on the hometown and the new colour scheme because the reason why I chose the colour was it was on the mindmap and maybe I could have more colours for the buses and other houses. 
I did okay with the process of this unit but I should have made time to do a successful job for the work experience to meet the deadline. Recently, I have made some changes to the colours of the houses by using Illustrator and was able to make the houses outstanding with all the bright colours and this really worked well with the houses. I'm very grateful that I was able to have more time to do some experimentations and final projects to make the deadline because I was allowed to have more time until the end of the term.  

What didn't go well was that I could have spent most of my time completing the work experience as it took three months to complete it. Next time, I could improve the unit by maybe using two or three colours for the houses or transports because you can see so many colours everywhere in the area when you step outside to where the shops are. I could have changed the houses to a new colour scheme like purple and one other colour. I think I was let down because I only used a few hours of my time like I could have to make it the best for me. If I had Photoshop or Illustrator at home instead of college maybe things would have been better. Maybe I should have improved the mindmap of the hometown (Barnet) because I could have added more details for houses, and transports to understand it.     

Final peer feedback from people's opinions of my new design:

I designed a final survey on people's opinions on the new design of "Barnet" and I got a few responses on the new designs. I think I noticed that people do like the new colour scheme but they wanted me to add more colours like Red and Yellow or Orange. My opinion is that other people can see that they like the new arrangement of the barnet but they wanted me to develop more colours, not just one colour. Also, people's opinion on the new transport colours seems good as the buses look very interesting to suit the theme.  

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 Who are you? My name is Chantel and I'm studying Level 3 media at Stanmore College. I'm in a family of 6 with three sisters and we ...